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About Us

About us iconBuilding Infrastructure Management Solutions (“BIMS”) is a multi-disciplined HVAC design/build/guarantee/finance organization. BIMS is a local organization that provides our diverse set of clients an alternative to the Energy Service Companies (“ESCO’s) primarily represented by “Big Box” manufacturers or utilities.

Superior Financial Results utilizing BIMS: BIMS is not a manufacturer or utility company with high overheads to cover, therefore our projects will cost fifteen to twenty percent less compared to other building service contractors. This is a much better financial advantage for you!

Product + Technology + Service Neutrality: BIMS is product, technology and service neutral. BIMS arranges the best and most advantageous product, technology and service relationships for the benefit of you. As such, you will not be “locked in” or forced into a short or long term technology, product or service providers. This provides you with the utmost financial and service flexibility.

Extensive Use of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): Buildings, even newer ones, have problems that translate into issues with comfort, operational cost, safety or building air quality. BIMS always retains outside SME’s to assist in fixing buildings to ensure that your facilities are safe, code compliant, comfortable and operate the most efficiently.

Building Services Contractors vs. BIMS Approach: BIMS is used to investing large sums of money to hire a diverse set of SME’s and pair them with the BIMS internal team. This collaboration leads to projects that have a much higher ROI on projects and is a better value for you.

United States and Maine based: We hear much discussion about concern with local dollars being shipped out-of-state or even worse out of the country. You should take solace with the fact that money spent here in Maine with BIMS on these projects is spent with local employees and contractors and ultimately all of the money stays here in the State of Maine.

Mechanical Services

Comprehensive Heating,
Air Conditioning &
Refrigeration Services

Maine Controls

Building Automation
& Controls

Building Infrastructure Management Solutions